Friday, May 11, 2012

what to do if your internet malfunction (unifi)

Last night our internet connection down for the first time since we subscribed unifi. Only internet. Both telephone and hypptv were ok.
As my attempt to restart all unifi devices came out with unsuccessful result, finally, i just called  the hotline (hehehe).

They can be reached in 1300881221, choose your preferred language, and then press 3 for technical support.

After some acct verifications and hypothesis (reporting to the team which indicator was stable, or blinking, or inactive) the result came out with.. the router problem..

So all I needed to do was, just login to, and followed the instruction given by unifi support team.
Basically, i was requested to rename my 'wifi name' and reset the password. And they would do some configuration (i guessed) at their end. And then TARAAAA.. done J

Credits to unifi support team, they're friendly and professional (^_^)

That's all for now. bye!

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